
Implant Supported Dentures in Berwick

At Berwick Dental Clinic, we understand that having a healthy and confident smile can significantly impact your quality of life. That’s why we offer implant-supported dentures, a revolutionary dental solution that combines the benefits of traditional dentures with the stability of dental implants.

The Benefits of Implant Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures have ushered in a new era in restorative dentistry. Traditional dentures, while instrumental in replacing missing teeth, can lack stability, often sliding or shifting during normal activities such as eating or talking. This can lead to discomfort and speech issues, as well as potential oral health problems over time.

On the other hand, implant-supported dentures provide a host of benefits that address these challenges:

Superior Stability:

Implant-supported dentures are anchored to the jawbone using dental implants. These titanium posts offer a sturdy base for the dentures, eliminating the risk of movement or slippage.

Natural Appearance:

Designed to closely replicate the look and function of natural teeth, implant-supported dentures provide a realistic smile that enhances self-confidence and aesthetics.

Improved Oral Health:

With a stable bite and prevention of shifting in remaining teeth, implant-supported dentures maintain proper alignment, reducing the risk of TMJ disorders and other bite-related issues. Additionally, the implants stimulate the jawbone like natural tooth roots, helping prevent bone loss often associated with missing teeth.

Implant-supported dentures present numerous advantages, including superior stability, a more natural appearance, and better oral health. They are a valuable advancement in restorative dentistry, offering an effective solution for those dealing with tooth loss.

A Closer Look: Overdentures vs. Implant-Supported Bridges

Overdentures and implant-supported bridges are both effective solutions for tooth replacement, though they function differently and offer varying benefits.

Overdentures, a traditional form of dentures, stay in place through natural suction and special dental adhesives. However, this method is not foolproof. The lack of permanent attachment can lead to shifting and instability, especially during speech or chewing. This can cause discomfort, impede normal oral function, and potentially contribute to oral health problems over time. Besides, the frequent removal and reapplication of overdentures for cleaning and maintenance can be inconvenient for some users.

On the other hand, implant-supported dentures represent a significant advancement in restorative dentistry. These dentures are anchored securely into the jawbone through surgically placed titanium posts. This solid foundation provides a robust support system, much like natural tooth roots, ensuring the dentures remain stable and secure regardless of your activity.

The enhanced stability of implant-supported dentures not only boosts your comfort and confidence but also promotes healthier oral function. They reduce the risk of gum irritation and bone loss, common issues with traditional dentures. Furthermore, their natural appearance and feel make them a popular choice among patients seeking a long-term solution for missing teeth.

In summary, while both overdentures and implant-supported dentures serve to replace missing teeth, implant-supported dentures offer superior stability, comfort, and overall oral health benefits.

Exploring the Types of Implant-Supported Dentures

At Berwick Dental Clinic, we understand that each patient’s dental needs and preferences are unique. That’s why we offer an array of implant-supported dentures to cater to varied requirements. Our skilled dental team led by Dr Evangeline Alphonse will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your oral health before recommending the most suitable type of implant-supported denture. Key factors taken into consideration include:

Overall Oral Health:

The state of your gums, remaining teeth, and oral tissues significantly influences the type of implant-supported denture that will be most beneficial for you.

Jawbone Health:

The density and volume of your jawbone are critical in determining whether standard or mini implants would be more appropriate.

Number of Missing Teeth:

The extent of tooth loss dictates whether a full or partial denture is needed.

Here are the different types of implant-supported dentures we offer:

Full Dentures:

Ideal for patients who have lost all their teeth in one or both jaws, these are supported by multiple dental implants.

Partial Dentures:

These are suitable for patients with several missing teeth in a row. They rely on both implants and existing natural teeth for support.


These can be removed for cleaning and are secured either by implants only or a combination of implants and remaining natural teeth.

In essence, our aim at Berwick Dental Clinic is to provide personalised, effective solutions for tooth loss. We ensure you receive the best type of implant-supported denture that suits your needs and enhances your quality of life.

Understanding the Procedure: From Consultation to Final Placement

At Berwick Dental Clinic, the process of getting implant-supported dentures is carried out meticulously to ensure optimal results. Here’s a detailed step-by-step overview of what you can expect:

Initial Consultation:

Your journey begins with an initial consultation with one of our experienced dentists. During this appointment, high-resolution images of your teeth, gums, and jawbone are taken using advanced dental imaging technology. This allows our dentists to assess your oral health, evaluate the amount of bone tissue available, and determine if you’re a suitable candidate for implant-supported dentures.

Preparatory Procedures:

If you qualify for the treatment and require any preparatory procedures, such as bone grafting or sinus lifts, these will be scheduled and performed first. These procedures aim to improve the condition of your jawbone to adequately support the implants.

Implant Placement:

The next step involves placement of the titanium posts. Under local anaesthesia, small incisions are made in your gums and precision-guided holes are drilled into your jawbone. The titanium posts are then inserted into these holes.

Healing Period:

After the surgery, you’ll be fitted with temporary dentures while your jawbone heals and fuses with the implants – a process known as osseointegration. This healing period typically takes about three to six months.

Attachment of Abutments:

Once healing and osseointegration are complete, abutments (small connectors) are attached to the tops of the implants during a minor follow-up procedure.

Final Denture Placement:

Finally, your custom-made permanent dentures are securely attached to the abutments. These dentures are crafted to match the colour, size, and shape of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and aesthetic result.

Throughout this process, our team at Berwick Dental Clinic ensures you are comfortable and well-informed. We conduct regular check-ups to monitor your progress and are always available to address any queries or concerns you may have. Our goal is to provide you with a smooth, positive experience as we work together to restore your smile.

Ensuring Proper Care for Long-Lasting Results

After receiving your implant-supported dentures, it’s crucial to ensure proper care for long-lasting results. These dentures, while durable and designed to mimic natural teeth, still require regular maintenance to stay in top condition. Here are some key points to remember:

Daily Cleaning:

Just like natural teeth, implant-supported dentures should be cleaned daily. This involves brushing them at least twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Flossing around the implants and dentures is also recommended to remove any trapped food particles.

Regular Check-ups:

Regular dental check-ups at Berwick Dental Clinic are essential to monitor the condition of your dentures and the health of your gums and jawbone. During these visits, Our dentists can check for any signs of potential issues and ensure that your dentures are functioning optimally.

Professional Cleanings:

While daily home care is crucial, professional cleanings at our clinic can help reach areas difficult to clean at home. These sessions also allow for the removal of any tartar build-up, which can lead to gum disease if left untreated.

Avoid Damaging Habits:

Try to avoid habits that could potentially damage your dentures, such as chewing on hard items like ice or pens, or using your teeth to open packages.

Denture Care:

If you have removable implant-supported dentures, it’s important to handle them carefully during cleaning. When not in use, store them in a safe place.

Remember, the longevity of your implant-supported dentures heavily depends on how well they’re cared for. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of a healthy, beautiful smile for many years to come.

Digital Smile Design: Visualising Your New Smile

We use Digital Smile Design technology to simulate the outcome of your treatment, helping you visualise your new smile before the procedure begins. This innovative tool is invaluable in planning and designing dental work, including implant-supported dentures.

Choose Berwick Dental Clinic for Your Implant Supported Dentures

Ready to improve your oral health and enhance your daily life with implant-supported dentures? At Berwick Dental Clinic, we offer flexible payment options including Afterpay, Openpay, ZIP, HUMM, in-house direct debit payments for orthodontic treatment, and superannuation release. We accept CDBS and are preferred providers for HCF, and members of the SMILE fee group.

Contact us today at (03) 9707 3227 or via email at [email protected] to schedule your consultation. Let us help you reclaim your smile with implant-supported dentures in Berwick.

Frequently Asked Questions

At Berwick Dental Clinic, we assess each patient’s suitability for overdentures based on their overall oral health, jawbone density, and specific dental needs. Individuals with significant tooth loss and adequate bone density are typically good candidates for overdentures.
The entire process, from initial consultation to final placement of the dentures, can take anywhere from three to six months. This timeline includes any necessary preparatory procedures, healing time after implant placement, and the creation of your custom dentures.
The number of implants required depends on whether you’re getting full or partial dentures. Typically, a full denture is supported by four to six implants per jaw, while a partial denture may require fewer implants.

The cost of implant-supported dentures can be higher than traditional dentures due to the surgical procedures involved and the use of high-quality materials. However, considering their durability, comfort, and natural appearance, many patients find them to be a worthwhile investment.

The cost of implant-supported dentures varies depending on several factors, including the number of implants needed, whether any additional procedures are required, and the type of dentures chosen. For a detailed estimate, we recommend scheduling a consultation with our dental team.
While implant-supported dentures might have a higher upfront cost, they offer unparalleled stability, comfort, and aesthetics. They also promote jawbone health and can last for many years with proper care, making them a cost-effective solution in the long run.
With proper care and regular check-ups, implant-supported dentures can last for over 15 years. The titanium implants themselves can last a lifetime. However, the denture portion may need replacement or adjustment over time due to normal wear and tear.
Almost anyone with missing teeth can be a candidate for implant-supported dentures. However, it’s crucial that the patient has sufficient bone density for implant placement and is in good overall health. During your consultation, our expert dentists will assess your suitability for this treatment.